Tuscan Villa Garden
Elija Blue Fescue
Medio Picta Century Plant
King Palm
Kentia Palm, Paradise Palm
Giant Bird Of Paradise
Yellow Moraea, Fortnight Lily
Mexican Fan Palm
Kangaroo Paw 'Yellow'
Elija Blue Fescue

Common name:Elija Blue Fescue
Botanical name:Festuca glauca 'Elija Blue'

The 'Elijah Blue' is a dwarf variety with gray blue (but sometimes white-looking) foliage. It should receive sun and little summer watering.

Medio Picta Century Plant

Common name:Medio Picta Century Plant
Botanical name:Agave americana medio-picta

This form has arching leaves with a creamy white stripe down the center of the blue-green leaf. The leaves are outstanding with their arching form and are well armed with a stout, terminal spine as well as marginal teeth. It is somewhat smaller than the americana variety, growing to around 4.' It prefers full sun, well drained soil and will perform well in containers. This form also will die after bloom but will survive in the form of new pups around the old plant. Susceptible to Agave Snout Weevil.

King Palm

Common name:King Palm
Botanical name:Archontophoenix cunninghamiana

This is a beautiful palm which grows 40' or higher with a 10'-15' spread. The feathery leaves can grow 10' in length and are green above and gray beneath. It tolerates shade and can grow beneath tall trees for a long time if needed. It 's unique because it can be used as an indoor plant and will tolerate temperatures down to 28 degrees F.

Kentia Palm, Paradise Palm

Common name:Kentia Palm, Paradise Palm
Botanical name:Howea forsteriana

This palm will reach about 60' tall and 20' wide and has long, drooping leaflets that are slender and deep green.

Giant Bird Of Paradise

Common name:Giant Bird Of Paradise
Botanical name:Strelitzia nicolai

This clumping evergreen perennial can reach 25' tall fairly quickly, forming a false trunk from the base of the leaves. The leaves are shaped like bananas, reaching 10' long with the widest part reaching 5' . It does best with fertilizer once a month and rich soil. It does not like wet feet so water only when dry. It can be planted in full sun but will do better if it receives afternoon shade. The flowers can reach a size of 10"-12", but plants need to be a few years old before they will flower.

Yellow Moraea, Fortnight Lily

Common name:Yellow Moraea, Fortnight Lily
Botanical name:Dietes bicolor

This clumping perennial Iris relative stands 3'-4' high. It has light yellow, iris-like flowers with maroon blotches that are about 2" wide. It performs best in full sun and in soil with good drainage.

Mexican Fan Palm

Common name:Mexican Fan Palm
Botanical name:Washingtonia robusta

The Mexican Fan Palm is a very tall, rapidly growing palm with large, fan-shaped leaves. It has a tropical look, and can grow several feet a year. This species is excellent for larger yards and lining streets.

Kangaroo Paw 'Yellow'

Common name:Kangaroo Paw 'Yellow'
Botanical name:Anigozanthos 'Yellow'

This herbaceous perennial can reach 4'-6' tall and 2'-3' wide. Kangaroo Paw has strap-like leaves and fuzzy tubular-shaped, yellow flowers that bloom in spring and fade as summer progresses. They can be used for cut or dried flowers. The flowers have nectar which attract hummingbirds. Kangaroo Paw does well in full sun and looks great in borders, mass plantings, and in pots. It can do well in drought tolerant conditions. It prefers sandy soil and deep, infrequent watering.


Tuscan Villa Garden

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Practice grass-cycling by leaving short grass clippings on lawns after mowing, so that nutrients and organic matter are returned to the soil.

Water Saving Tip:

Lawn watering more than 5 minutes usually results in runoff. Use multiple cycle starts.

Integrated Pest Management:

Attract, or buy beneficial insects such as ladybugs and lacewings to control pest outbreaks in your garden.